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Leadership comes in many different forms depending on one’s personality and industry. Some leaders may need to take a more collaborative approach while others work best alone. But no matter what type of leadership approaches that leaders take to their roles, there are some common values that they all share.

Good Communication

Organizations would fail rather quickly without having good communication. Miscommunication can lead to a whole lot of disarray in a short amount of time. For example, if a leader were to tell half of their team about a new work procedure but never communicated it to the other half, there would be a large amount of confusion, and work duties would not get done properly. The best leaders all share the same commitment to good communication, as it helps their organization run more smoothly and efficiently.


As a leader, you most likely value having respect. But in order to receive admiration from others, you also need to be willing to give others the same courtesy. Even though respect should be given to leaders regardless of their relationship with you, respect is still best earned when you show respect to others. The best leaders out there are those who value respect and make sure they are giving it to their employees.


Transparency in leadership means having no hidden agendas, being open and honest with your coworkers about the organization’s objectives and even its shortcomings and being as authentic as possible. Leaders who value transparency often see a better working environment under their care, as they tend to take a more collaborative approach since they are so transparent with those around them. Leaders who try to hide information from their employees are often found out in the end, so it is more respected to be transparent right off the bat.


The going gets tough for many people in their careers, but especially for leaders who have to hold everything together for the sake of their organization. Leadership has many rough spots, which is why leaders value commitment. Commitment will help a leader stay on track for their goals even when faced with difficulties. Leaders who value commitment will often look at the big picture rather than the problems right in front of them, allowing them to advance even when they feel held back.


Last but not least, the best leaders are those who value wisdom. Wisdom is bigger than having book knowledge or street smarts. Instead, wisdom combines this knowledge with sound judgment, allowing leaders to make sound decisions and be a stronghold in their organization. Wisdom is often built on experience, and many successful leaders attribute their knowledge to the lessons they’ve learned throughout their lives.